Our hotel rooms
When you stay at Skärgårdshotellet you will not get a room number, you will get a mooring. Navigate your way through the hotel using our hand-painted nautical charts that adorn the walls. We offer 70 hotel rooms. Free parking, free Wi-Fi and our breakfast buffet are always included in your stay.
Special offers
Gold Package
Spoil someone you love with our Gold Package. Relax in our wellness area and end the evening with a 3-course dinner down in the harbor.
Relax Package
Experience the southern part of Stockholms archipelago with someone you love. Enjoy a relaxing moment in the Jacuzzi and sauna.
Shrimp Package
Treat yourself to a summer weekend in Nynäshamn. Discover Stockholm's southern archipelago and enjoy a shrimp dinner.
Our fisherman Westman welcomes you from his place in our lobby.
Skärgårdshotellet is a dream location in the southern archipelago of Stockholm.
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